The Leith Park retirement village was home to a beloved Silverback Gorilla – don’t worry, not a live one – when it was stolen from the residents nearly a month ago. When people have things stolen from them, usually if it’s not found or returned within a few days hope dwindles, but police went above and beyond to rescue the much loved gorilla. They set search via air to locate the missing statue, and found it in a backyard in the surrounding suburb of Reservoir.

Police said in a statement they were not willing to “cop this kind of monkey business”, pun intended. And lucky for the residents of Leith Park, the police put their all in to locating the beloved gorilla.

Tim Nelson, the executive manager of marketing for Abound Communities, said the residents were very excited about the return of Garry, stating “One of our residents bakes cookies with her grandson and takes the cookies over to Garry, so I spoke with Robyn this morning and Robyn’s already baking cookies ready to take back when Garry arrives this afternoon,”.

If this isn’t the most wholesome, good news story of the day, we don’t know what is! Welcome back Garry!