A post in a Melbourne Facebook community group reveals the very alarming and creative way thieves are now staking out homes and sneakily trying to see if people are home.

The posts read:

“Last Friday (Public Holiday), we came home to find this Uber Eats bag by our front door. We had not ordered anything. When we opened it, we found it contained a take away box with half a bottle of water inside.
We think this might have been the work of people casing our house. They likely returned after dark to see if the bag was still there. If it had been, I’m assuming they planned to break in.
Has anyone else in Ormond had something unexpected left by their front door lately?”

And another eerily similar incident happened to another community member, their post read:
“Can anyone share if they experienced something like this? We experienced a mysterious event a couple of nights ago. We live in a house on Station Ave in McKinnon. At around 730pm we went out and when we came back home at 930pm, we found a brown paper bag neatly stapled at the top, on our front porch. We hadn’t ordered anything. We opened it and it in was a takeaway box (like the ones from HSP takeaway) and in the box was a single bottle of water (like the ones you buy in the shops, mineral water Cool Ridge bottle 500ml). There was no note or writing anywhere. We promptly threw it away in the outdoor bin. Would like to know if anyone knows anything about this? Unfortunately we didn’t take any photos. Thanks.”
It could be explained away as a harmless prank, but an astounding number of fellow community members share there own experience with very similar stories.
Among the sea of comments, one community member said, “Yes it happened to us a few weeks ago as well, the same thing like people mentioned above, an Uber bag, stabled with a water bottle inside. Dropped by a lady i believe and i saw her took a photo of the bag as well when she left which looked like she delivered. It’s just a bottle of water so we just chucked it away.”
Others wrote:
“This happened to us last night. I was home but didn’t hear the door so we didn’t find it till later that night. We also have cctv footage of who delivered it, who looks like a different person to the one in the other footage shared. Same bag stapled at the top, same take away food box inside, same bottle of water. I will report it to police.”
“Experience exactly the same in Carnegie”
Keep an eye out for similar around you, and if you see something sinister be sure to report it to authorities. Stay safe out there!