Sebastian Stan, renowned for his role as the Winter Soldier in the Marvel films and recognised with Emmy and Golden Globe nominations, is set to portray a young Donald Trump in Iranian filmmaker Ali Abbasi’s upcoming film, “The Apprentice.”


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This intriguing project delves into Trump’s endeavors in establishing his real estate empire during the dynamic era of 1970s and 1980s New York. The narrative promises to unravel the complexities of his association with attorney Roy Cohn, providing audiences with a deeper understanding of the man behind the public persona.

Scripted by Gabriel Sherman, acclaimed author of “The Loudest Voice in the Room,” known for his insightful exploration of influential figures, the film marks a significant collaboration with Abbasi who is the director behind the well-received “Holy Spider” and the final two episodes of HBO’s “The Last of Us.”

It’s impossible to ignore the parallel developments in the real world. The former U.S. President is currently facing trial in New York on charges of fraud and is grappling with multiple indictments across various cases. Despite these legal challenges, he remains a prominent figure in the political landscape, positioning himself as the leading Republican contender for the 2024 elections.

Sebastian Stan is no stranger to embodying real-life personalities on screen, has recently portrayed Tommy Lee in the “Pam & Tommy” mini-series, Jeff Gilooly in “I, Tonya,” and Robinhood Markets CEO Vladimir Tenev in “Dumb Money.”


His versatility extends to upcoming projects like “Fresh,” “Sharper,” and “A Different Man,” and of course we are all excited to see him return as the Winter Soldier in Marvel Studios’ “Thunderbolts.”