The beloved Australian children’s television show is about to take a leap into the digital realm with its very first video game, set to drop later this year. You’ll be able to interact with your favourite characters, relive memorable moments, and explore familiar locations in a family-friendly gaming experience.

The game is described as a “sandbox” – a virtual playground with interactive elements giving you the freedom to meander through its world at your own pace. It’s a promise of exploration and limitless possibilities, according to the game’s creators.

Bluey the Video Game also features multiplayer, so you’ll be able to play with up to 3 friends meaning the family can have fun together playing as any of the 4 main characters of the show, Bluey, Bingo, Bandit and Chilli.

There’s a central four-part storyline plus a number of side quests and activities peppered throughout the game. We can’t wait to get involved in classic Bluey games like “The Floor is Lava”, “Keepy Uppy” and “Magic Xylophone.”

The developers have also ensured that players of all skill levels can join in on the fun by incorporating a variable difficulty setting. Whether you’re a gaming novice or a seasoned pro, just like the show there’s a place for you in Bluey’s vibrant universe.

The Bluey game will drop on November 17th, published by Outright Games and is set to hit multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
