Sam from Pakenham recounted her courageous story, live on air, of suffering a stroke in 2015 while driving her three year-old son to daycare.

After trying to call her boss at work she realised she had lost the use of her right arm and the ability to speak clearly. It was then that a stranger coming past on his morning walk came to her aid and urgently contacted an ambulance and stayed with her until it arrived.

Take a listen to Sam tell the whole story here:

The woman, who now has a full bill of health was later told that if she had of arrived at hospital any later she would have been in a nursing home for life.

Coming up to eight years since the frightening event, she thanks the ‘guardian angel’ that helped her that day, whom she has never been able to find since.

She recalls that the man was around 60 years of age with a beard, who was on a walk in Henty Park Estate. Pakenham around 7.30 in the morning on the 10th of June, 2015.


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