In an incredible story, calls flooded into this morning’s Christian O’Connell Show with generous offers to help out Sue and her family, as they urgently bring forward a wedding for a brother struggling with a terminal brain tumour diagnosis.

Her brother Brian and his partner Heather have been together 40 years, but have never married. After Brian was diagnosed with a brain tumour, the lifelong partners decided to plan a wedding and celebrate their life together with their friends and family.

Their plans came crashing down however after a doctor delivered some shocking news, Brian may only have three to four weeks to live.

The wedding has urgently been brought forward and Sue is scrambling to get things organised, with several of our listeners jumping in to help, including:

  • Veronika from Melbourne Polytechnic offering to sort out cuts for the bridge and groom
  • Taljee from Carrum Downs, offering free late-night pizzas from his shop, Uncle Drews Pizza
  • Sarah from Wedding Wish, Dingley Village, offering planning, decorations and any other bits and pieces
  • Jay “DJ Rastmaster”, stepping in to pump up the dance floor
  • Amanda from Sandhurst Club. who offered her venue if needed

It’s so inspiring to hear the generosity of these callers and most of all, Sue’s big heart and spirit in helping her brother Brian.


Hear the full story on The Christian O’Connell Show, now on iHeart: